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Attach:VirtualSpringConvention2021Minutes.pdf Δ
Resolution Retraction
Greetings fellow Kin,
The discussion that has come forth regarding the social media resolution
has been very thought-provoking.
We have decided to withdraw the resolution for this year. While we still
feel that it is a topic that needs to be addressed, clearly, it will be better to
have this discussion when we are all able to meet again. We are able to
share thoughts and opinions online via text or video conference,
however, it just isn’t the same as sitting down together. Any changes to
our District house rules are important enough that we now realize we are
better off to wait so they can go through our regular, in-person
It is great to see, even after the way the past year has gone, that we are
all still so passionate about this great Association. Stay strong, fellow
Yours in Kin,
Vice Governors Dave & Chrissy Heimpel
Resolution for Spring Convention
Resolution for District 1
Whereas the current closed District 1 Kin Facebook group is sometimes used to discuss issues internal to Kin, and
Whereas the group should be a safe place for members to share their thoughts and opinions on the subjects of the day, and
Whereas former members do not need to be privy to issues that should remain private to active members of the Association, and
Whereas District 1 does not currently have a place on Facebook that allows us to publicly celebrate and share the success stories of clubs, and
Whereas there are currently no formal guidelines for social media use on behalf of District 1 which means each District team can use or not use platforms as they wish,
Whereas other Districts have successfully implemented a private closed Facebook group for members only, and a public Facebook page for anyone to follow, and
Whereas more and more business is being required to be conducted virtually, development and implementation of policies surrounding guidelines and expectations of both participants and administrators are prudent.
Therefore Be it resolved that the following article be added to the District 1 House Rules:
ARTICLE 27 – Social Media
1. The District 1 Kin closed Facebook group shall be restricted to active members of District 1 Kin Canada only. The criteria used will be that they are listed as active members of District 1 on the National Roster.
2. This group will be updated at least once per year between November 30th and December 31st by the District 1 Communication Director or their designate and the Governors of the day.
3. The District 1 Kin public Facebook page will be available for all Kin members, family and supporters to follow. Posts to be moderated by the District 1 Kin Communications Director or their designate and the Governors of the day.
4. The District 1 Kin Twitter handle (for tagging purposes) is: @District1Kin
5. Official District 1 Kin hashtag is #d1Kin. Clubs are encouraged to also use club & national hashtags as well for brand recognition.
6. Any social media post deemed a risk management concern by the Communications Director and the Governors of the day (for example, discrediting the reputation of a member, club, project, or the Association in general) will be removed, and the person posting will be contacted and may be suspended from accessing the social media platform in question.
Intent: To have clear guidelines and expectations set out as policy for social media use in the name of District 1 Kin.
Note: Facebook supports 2 different platforms, a group or a page. A group can have restricted membership and things posted there are for the approved members only. A page can be accessed by anyone and is intended to allow sharing of public information and to celebrate and share the success stories of clubs and their activities. The removal of non-Kin members in the group will not happen until at least 3 months after Spring Convention 2021.
Submitted by Vice Governors Dave & Christine Heimpel
Email to NBOD sent to membership
Kin Canada Bursaries
Attention graduating high school students or those pursuing post-secondary education at a recognized university, community college, technical institute and other schools for advanced education.
along with the Kin Canada association is proud to offer a chance for local students, studying at the post-secondary level to apply for Kin Canada Bursary.
Students attending a recognized post-secondary institution during the 2020-21 school year are encouraged to apply for a $1,000 bursary.
Find out more at the following website:
More information and application forms can be found at:
Each Kin club across Canada will select one local application to forward to the National Kin Canada Bursaries Committee, who will then make the final selection.
Deadline for submissions is February 1, 2021
Local eligible candidates please forward your application submission to;
Good luck to all applicants
Dues Relief
We have spoken with Carmen Preston, Operations Manager, regarding the Dues Relief outcome.
We have been advised that they anticipate having answers for Clubs that have applied by the end of the month baring no unforseen issues.
Thank you for your understanding and patience while they work through this process.
Governors Eileen & Tim
Update for Clubs on Covid 19
Update on Kin Canada Finances from Grant Ferron
District 1 vote on Budget
Town Hall Meeting on Zoom
The FLC brochure is complete and ready for your reading pleasure.
FLC 2019 RocKIN out in Grand Bend Brochure
For everyone to review before FLC in November.
Team Ohana Audited Financial Statement 2018-2019
With 60 people in attendance we had a fantastic day at CLS this year. To see what you missed here are the minutes of the meeting.
CLS Meeting Minutes 2019
And here are the presentations from CLS
For your reading pleasure the minutes for Spring Convention 2019 can be found by following the link below.
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
For your reading pleasure the link below will provide the Fall Leadership Conference 2018 minutes.
Fall Leadership Conference Minutes 2018.pdf
Convention Brochure
Fall Leadership Conference Brochure.pdf Δ
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
District Mailing Content
Just a few newsworthy tidbits to keep you informed.
Please review and become familiar with the upcoming resolutions that are being presented at Spring Convention
COMMUNICATIONS – Vice Governor Karen
CLUB SUPPORT INFORMATION – Club Support Director Dustyn
CYSTIC FIBROSIS AND SERVICE UPDATE – District CF/Service Directors – Tim and Bea
RISK MANAGEMENT - District Risk Manager LMMo
RULES OF ORDER - Governor Debbie
CF / Service Directors – CF / Service Director Tim and Bea
Club Support Directors – Club Support Director Dustyn
Presidents & Vice Presidents – Governor Deb & Bill Roskar
Secretary – District Secretary Elaine
Treasurer – District Treasurer Wendy
Communications / Bulletin etc. – Vice Governor Karen
The House Rules have been updated per the resolutions from Spring Convention. This years copy is located via the link below. Paper copies will be distributed to the clubs at Club Leadership Seminar and further through your Deputy Governor.
Please find below the official copy of the accredited delegate form for National Convention in Halifax. Please ensure that you follow the submission information closely.
The instructions for the form are also located below for those that need a refresher from the Spring Convention process.
Governor Monika McKean - Collingwood Kinettes
Vice Governor Debbie Flagg - Fort Erie Kinettes
National Director Brenda Dineen - Palmerston Kinettes
Carol Cooper - Kinette Club of London
Darrell Cooper - Greater London Kinsmen
Terri Iredale - Kinette Club of St Marys
Scott Tapley - Kinsmen Club of Stayner
Bill Roskar - Kinsmen Club of Stayner
Dustyn Pumfrey - Kinsmen Club of Dresden
NOTE: list will be updated as we become aware of attendees
Please follow this link to the National Website for information about the candidates for the FOUR National Director positions that we will be voting on in Halifax. Please ensure that your AD is informed of your decisions of who you wish your vote to be directed.
Please find below a copy of the agenda for Spring Convention
Please find below a copy of the Delegates Brochure for Spring Convention
As sent out through an email to District One members, please find below the 2015-2016 Cystic Fibrosis financial statement as well at the proposed 2017-2018 District Budget and Proposed Cystic Fibrosis Budget
Below please find a link to the new accredited delegate form that is to be used for the upcoming Spring Convention. These and only these forms will be accepted. As well, please find the link to the package of information that will assist your club to fill out the form properly and explain any changes that are now in place.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact any member of the District Executive or your Deputy Governor for clarification.
Clubs will be given a copy of this package at upcoming zone conferences, and there will be a member of the District Executive presenting the information who will be able to address any questions at that time as well.
The Winter 2017 Club mailing has just gone out. In case you've missed it, I've posted all the documents that were included here.
Fellow Kin, if you were unable to attend Fall Leadership Conference - Gangsters, Flappers and Rum Runners - hosted by the Windsor Family of Kin, please click on the link below to review the minutes
The Fall 2016 Club mailing has just gone out. In case you've missed it, I've posted all the documents that were included here.
Welcome back to another Kin year!
I’m your District Secretary this year and am really looking forward to working with the Back to the Future Part Deux team!
You will normally find me taking minutes at the various District Council meetings and conventions, or busily gathering items and stuffing envelopes for the District mailings.
I’ve spent many years in Kin and have held many positions at both the district and national level, so I’m hoping to use my knowledge and skillset to help out wherever I can and be a mentor to our strong team of Deputy Governors as well as our Vice-Governor’s team.
If I can answer any questions, or assist your club in any way, feel free to reach out. Wishing you all well for a strong and successful year!
Thank you to our sponsors!
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