Home ~ District Executive Reports ~ Vice Governors
Ready to take the lead? Here's the nomination form. It can be sent to the District Secretary at secretary [snail] district1kin [period] ca anytime after July 1 but no later than 30 days prior to Spring Convention.
Vice Governor Nomination and Acceptance Form
Hello Fellow Kin!!!
The Pump Up Kin team is set and ready to start planning for the 2024-2025 Kin year and we are excited to be apart of the Kin on Track team.
Paul and I are excited to learn how to help the District and to try and be the Best Governors we can be. We would like to thank Shawn and Carol for the opportunity to participate in all the Kin on Track team is doing this year, and for allowing us to participate and have input.
We will be working this year to try and have a seamless transition from the Kin on Track team to the Pump Up Kin team. We are hoping to get out to as many clubs and events as we can this year to learn more about the members of District one and sit down to chat with them to find out what keeps them engaged in Kin.
We are looking forward to meeting other Vice Governors from across Canada, to be able to share and learn all we can from them. The more information we can gather and learn the more we will be able to assist District 1 in being the best.
If you need help, need to vent or want an coupled extra set of hands please reach out to us and we will be glad to assist in any way we can.
Yours in Kin
Vice Governors
Paul & Lori Schnarr
Vice Governor Carol and Shawn
Please please please put us to work for you!!
As we have 3 other roles on the VIBE executive we are sure to hear from you. please check out our other reports. Risk Managment, Club Support, and Awards to see how we can serve you.
VIBE council had a fantastic District Leadership Seminar (DLS) at Vice Governor Dutch’s the weekend of April 30th. We welcomed Past National Director Eli Rizk from Regina as our facilitator – he arrived on Friday, his luggage arrived on Saturday…
In preparation, there were several Kin-U courses that we were asked to complete ahead of the weekend. They covered everything from Voting and Protocol, to Risk Management, to Social Media, and Diversity. Once we got together in person, topics of discussion included the Strategic Plan and District Operations Leadership Plan, job expectations, goal setting and strategies to do so effectively, among others. We used case studies to practice some of these skills and had some really stimulating discussions about our individual and shared issues and experiences.
For supper Saturday night we jumped in our vehicles and toured over to St Thomas for the Kinsmen’s long-delayed Steak and Craft Beer Night in memory of Eric Glover. This was a superb event that showcased the great partnership that the Kinsmen have with their local Knights of Columbus group. And of course, there was a lot of laughter and fun over the course of the 2 days – Catch Phrase (and it’s cousin Kin Phrase), euchre, pool, and WAY too many dad jokes.
The leadership in this council is outstanding. We will be investing more training in these leaders at each of our council meetings to ensure that they have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to serve the members of our district, not just this coming year, but in the years to come.
In January of 2021 we circulated a survey in the district, looking for people who were interested in leadership positions in the District. Our executive members were selected from those respondents.
Glen Card - Secretary
Frank Mailloux - Treasurer
Lori Dawn Antaya - Coordinator
Danni Gresko - Communications
Andrea Pumfrey & Brandon Ward - Service Directors
Shawn Holroyd & Carol VanRooy - Club Support, Awards, Risk Management
Our priorities:
We recognize that many clubs are going to struggle to recover from the past couple of years, not everyone will be able to just bounce back to how things were before.
We’re here to help.
Yours in Kin,
Vice Governors Karen & Dutch
Dear fellow Kin:
After the defeat of our proposed budget at spring convention, we need to call a special meeting to have it approved.
This meeting will take place on Thursday, July 8 at 7 p.m.
This will require a new AD form to be completed and submitted by June 28:
AD Form for Special Meeting
Yours in Kin,
VG Dave & Chrissy
Hello Fellow Kin!!!
Dave and I are excited and looking forward to seeing everyone virtually of course at FLC. I know this is not how we wanted to do it, but unfortunately this is the new normal. Hopefully we can see everyone soon face to face.
We have started the District Planning for the 2021-2022 Kin year and we are proud to be a part of the Don’t stop Believe Kin team, thank you Eileen and Tim for allowing us to participate and have input.
Even this year Vice Governor’s training has been impacted by COVID as well. Having to do this virtually means spreading it out over multiple weekends, but we are making our way thru it. It has been a pleasure to meet with the other Vice Governors from across Canada, and so far, it has been very educational.
We are beginning to meet with our entire executive to make a seamless transition in the next Kin year when we take the reins in July.
Our Team Kinetic Executive is as follows:
Coordinator – Chris Kekes
Secretary – Kelly Codling
Treasurer – Paul Durdin
CF/Service – Theresa McColl and Dean Kitchen
Awards – Lisa Wells
Communication – Tracy Spalding
Risk Manager – Frank Mailloux
Club Support - Andy Mantha
DG's for 20/21
Zone A Kym Ellis Sylvia Mather-Wagner
Zone B
Zone C Brandon Ward
Zone D Tracy Spalding
Zone F Andrea Pumfrey
Zone G/H Shawn Lonewolf
Zone J Marty Fitzpatrick
Zone K
Good Afternoon, D1 Members
Last evening VG Tim, Treasurer Paul and I hosted a Town Hall meeting to meet with members of D1 to discuss our Budget. I am sure you can understand that this has been a long drawn-out process. Facing the present situation, we are in with COVID 19, determining how to ensure the District receives the best help was paramount to us.
We have now developed our final Proposed Budget which you will find attached.
Highlighting the $0 District Dues for 2020-2021 is the start of major cost-cutting we did. The Surplus will be used to offset what expenses we do still have. Please review the budget with your club.
Attached is also the Accredited Delegate/Voting Form (only one page for both). We have been asked to send out to all members of D1 to ensure each club has the opportunity to submit their votes. Remember only 1 (one) form per club is to be submitted to Credentials Chair Karen Coutts no later than 11:59 on Jun 19th.
To keep within our bylaws as much as this situation allows, the We are One team and incoming Don't Stop BelieveKin team will have a virtual Special Members meeting that will open on June 1st and conclude on the 21st of June. The link to this meeting will be posted to the District 1 Kin website if you wish to attend. This will allow time for all clubs to review the attached budget and submit their Accredited Delegate/vote form to credentials chair Past Governor Karen. The results and minutes of the meeting will be made available on the District 1 Kin website on June 22nd.
We thank you all for your patience and understanding while we worked through this and look forward to making this a memorable and evolving process for the coming year.
Yours in Kin
VG Eileen & Tim
Don't Stop BelieveKin
Attach:Attach:file.extAttach:file.ext Δ
VG Letter to the Membership and CTO for Town Hall Meeting May 28th
Greetings, Fellow Kin!
Provisional processes directed by ED Grant have been communicated to the sitting Governors and incoming VG teams to ensure that the necessary business is done, both to support incoming teams and provide some needed assurances for the Districts going forward. To that end, we have been directed to seek approval of our proposed budget before the end of June.
The authority to do so is stated in the Association’s General Operating By-Law #2:
For the better administration of the Association and in order to facilitate the furthering of its Purposes, the territory of the Association shall be divided into Districts and, as necessary, further sub-divided into Zones. All Districts and Zones are internal operating divisions of the Association that does not have legal standing outside of the Association and, as such, are accountable to the Board of Directors. The Board may, in its sole discretion from time to time, adopt additional Policies and Procedures to address the boundaries of such Districts and Zones. Each Club situated within the boundaries of a District and, as applicable, a Zone shall be a member of such District and/or Zone. Each District and Zone shall prepare and adopt governing documents in accordance with the requirements set out in applicable Policies and Procedures. The Board may also, in its sole discretion from time to time, adopt additional Policies and Procedures to address the purposes, rights, privileges, duties, fee payments, termination of status, and any other matters related to Districts and Zones.
We are looking at more realistic financial forecasts and funds available to project a more accurate picture of dues needs (COVID assistance). A revised Budget will be emailed to all members of the District at the beginning of next week.
A virtual Town Hall meeting (question & answer session) on the budget will be held via Zoom on Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m. To receive an invitation to this meeting, register at zoom@district1kin.ca All members are welcome to attend.
Voting will be done using the attached Provisional Accredited Delegate form. Please print, complete, and email back to credentials@district1kin.ca. Forms will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, June 19th, 2020.
The majority of the forms received by the deadline will determine the outcome of the vote. The results of the vote will be communicated to clubs by Monday, June 22nd, 2020, and forms will be retained until the outcome can be recorded into the minutes of the next meeting of the District.
Thank you for your prompt action on this, which will allow us to move forward in the mandate that you have entrusted us with.
If you have questions, please see our FAQs on the District website: Vice Governors - District One Kin
Vice Governors Tim & Eileen
Don't Stop BelieveKin
1. When is the Provisional Accredited Delegate form due?
2. What does “…regularly constituted meeting…” mean?
3. Can we decide this at an executive meeting?
4. Our club isn’t meeting again until after the deadline – what do we do?
5. How do we get signatures on the form?
6. How can we submit our form?
7. How many votes do we get?
8. When will the next meeting of the district be?
9. When will we find out whether the budget is approved?
10. When is the virtual town hall meeting?
11. How do we get an invitation to the virtual town hall meeting?
12. Who can attend the virtual town hall meeting?
13. We have a question about the budget – who do we contact?
14. We have a question about submitting the Provisional AD form – who do we contact?
Thank you for your support in these interesting times!
Looking forward to seeing many of you at FLC 2019.
We are starting to put together our year for Governors 2020-2021. In September we attended our first of 2 training sessions at HQ with our fellow VG from across Canada. It was a weekend full of education and fellowship. We also had the opportunity to meet and speak directly with our National Board which was very informative and educational.
Our 'Don't Stop BelieveKIN' team is represented by:
Coordinator- Melissa Whetham
Secretary/Communications Director - Lori Schnarr
Treasurer - Paul Durdin
Awards/Risk Manager Director - Jay Vaughan
Club Support Director - Brenda Dineen
Cystic Fibrosis Directors - Debbie Flagg and Kim-Marie
Post Spring Convention 2019
Hello District 1!
We have attached the approved District 1 WAO Budget for your perusal options! Please have a read.
Stay tuned for your information packages in the mail if you did not pick them up at Convention. We hope to see lots of participation in the initiatives we introduced!
The We Are One Team has been super busy preparing for the demands of the district - particularly the budget. It has taken a few hours of discussion, sweat, copious amounts of coffee and tea to get it right. We have attached it here for your viewing pleasure.
Also on our agenda - prepping for Spring Convention in Cambridge on May 31st. Our presentations will be showing you all what we hope to encourage and inspire in our District this upcoming Kin year. Stay tuned for some exciting contests!!
Yours in Kin,
Francine Burt and Scott Tapley
D1 Vice-Governor
We Are One Team
Winter 2019
Hey everyone!
Well, winter is finally here, hope you are keeping warm and safe. We attended FLC and Midterms and have been busy preparing for our second Governor training session in February. We are also prepping for the upcoming zone conferences and hope to see your lovely Kin faces at them. :)
If you are considering Kin life outside of your club, and you have already served as a President, why not look at becoming a Deputy Governor? We both served 2 years and they were a ton of fun!
We look forward to hearing about your clubs successes and concerns - seek us out!Keep safe,
VGs Francine and Scott
Early Fall 2018
Holy Cow, it seems that not 5 minutes ago, we stood dazed and amazed on the Spring Convention podium and now here we are, staring down the fall.
This summer saw us attending Port Dover Friday the 13th, Dresden’s Kinstock, Meaford Kin Kamp, Flesherton’s Rib fest and Lucknow Music in the Fields. Those events, and our home club projects kept our weekends filled! We were very happy to see and help our fellow Kin and will continue to attend as many events as our schedules allow.
September will see us attending 4 days of Governor training, for which we have been given a truckload of prep work and it is because of this and familial/work duties, we will not be able to attend Kin Kollege.
Proper education and training of our members is an integral tool in a club’s success. We are confident that Team Ohana has put extensive thought into ensuring that the job gets done.
One of our jobs as vice governor is to seek out direction from our district, and so please do not hesitate to contact either of us, either by email, phone, Facebook or pigeon! We welcome ALL questions and thoughts.
We wish you a fabulous fall and will see you at the Fall Leadership Conference in St. Thomas!
Yours in Kin,
Vice Governor Francine Burt
Vice Governor Scott Tapley
Where has the time gone?! It seems like only days ago that we were deciding to file paperwork to run for Vice Governors, and here we are already - just about to take office as your District Governors!
It's been a hectic few months - attending Governor training (the Fabulous February Fandango at Headquarters), writing resolutions, attending zone conferences, hosting District Leadership Seminar, prepping for Spring Convention, and creating our proposed budget.
Oh...the budget...
One of the joys of taking on something new is that it's not always done right the first time. Since first circulating our budget a few weeks ago, we have had a few errors and omissions pointed out that needed to be addressed. We appreciate the eagle eyes of experienced Kin members in the District that allowed us to address them ahead of convention, rather than finding out about them when we're standing at the mic in Welland.
Since the proposed budget was officially circulated 30 days before Convention, that is the one that we need to present. However, there are amendments that will need to be made so that it is more accurate. This information is available on the Conventions page, and also in the links below:
As always, if you have any questions about any of our plans, please don't hesitate to contact either of us directly. We'd love to hear from you.
Yours in Kin,
Vice Governors Karen & Dutch
Zone Conference season is quickly approaching, and with it the opportunity to select your deputy governor(s) for next year. To find out what you can expect as a DG with Team Ohana, click here: Team Ohana DG Expectations .
See you at Zone Conferences!
VG Karen & Dutch
To the world’s most amazing family,
We wish a sparkling and cheerful Christmas blessed with beautiful moments of love, togetherness, and laughter.
We have seen so much spirit in the Association this year, from inter-club meetings, Christmas parades, and not to mention carpool karaoke! Kin has created a year-round season of giving for all of us and we see it everyday.
Our team has been working hard to get ready for next year's transition, with many topics that have been brought to our attention. We would like to hear from you with any ideas you may have - watch for another survey coming out soon. We are here to make the Association better and we can’t do it without you. Please feel free to contact us anytime by email (our contact information is under our picture -->).
Have a great holiday season!
Yours in Kin,
Karen and Dutch
We’re very excited to be part of the Building on the Basics team, and we’re looking forward to working with Governor Debbie and the rest of her council to achieve the goals that she has set for District 1.
Vice Governors
Karen Coutts and Darryl "Dutch" Van Moorsel
Team Ohana
We have a HUGE list of clubs that did not submit their National Accredited Delegate form.
National has extended the deadline to the 20th.
If your club has a meeting or can call a meeting to fill out your form and submit it, I would encourage you to do so.
Here is the list of clubs not submitted, since I've had numerous queries ...
1 A Brantford Kinsmen Club
1 A Cambridge (Preston) Kinsmen Club Inc.
1 A Cambridge-North Dumfries Kinsmen Club
1 A Flamborough & District Kin Club
1 A Guelph Kinette Club
1 A Hamilton Kinsmen Club
1 A Kitchener-Waterloo Kinette Club
1 A Kitchener-Waterloo Kinsmen Club
1 A Oakville Kinsmen Club
1 A Preston Kinette Club
1 A Stoney Creek Kinsmen Club
1 A Waterloo Grand River Kinsmen Club
1 A Woolwich Kin Club
1 B Belgrave Kinsmen Club
1 B Centre Wellington Kinette Club
1 B Drayton Kinette Club
1 B Drayton Kinsmen Club
1 B Harriston Kinsmen Club
1 B Listowel Kinette Club
1 B Listowel Kinsmen Club
1 B Lucknow & District Kinette Club
1 B Lucknow & District Kinsmen Club
1 B Monkton & District Kinsmen Club
1 B Mount Forest Kin Club
1 B Palmerston & District Kinette Club
1 B Wingham & District Kin Club
1 C Feversham & District Kinsmen Club
1 C Flesherton Kinsmen Club
1 C Meaford Kinette Club
1 C Meaford Kinsmen Club
1 C Shelburne Kinsmen Club (ON)
1 C Stayner & District Kinsmen Club
1 C Wasaga Beach Kinette Club
1 D Caledonia Kin Club
1 D Cayuga Kinsmen Club
1 D Dunnville Kinsmen Club
1 D Fonthill & District Kinette Club
1 D Fonthill & District Kinsmen Club
1 D Fort Erie Kinette Club
1 D Fort Erie Kinsmen Club
1 D Grimsby Kinette Club
1 D Niagara-on-the-Lake Kinsmen Club
1 D Ridgeway Crystal Beach Kin Club
1 D Stevensville Kinsmen Club
1 F Aylmer Kinsmen Club
1 F Delhi Kinsmen Club
1 F Dorchester & Area Kinsmen Club
1 F Greater London Kinsmen Club
1 F Port Dover Kinsmen Club
1 F Simcoe Kinette Club
1 F Simcoe Kinsmen Club
1 F St. Thomas Kinsmen Club
1 F Tillsonburg Kinette Club
1 F Tillsonburg Kinsmen Club
1 G Chatham Kinette Club
1 G Dover Kinette Club
1 G Dover Kinsmen Club
1 G Merlin & Area Kinsmen Club
1 G Tilbury & District Kinsmen Club
1 G Wallaceburg Kinsmen Club
1 H Harrow Kinsmen Club
1 H LaSalle Kin Club
1 H Leamington Kinsmen Club
1 H Windsor Kin Club
1 J Chesley Kinette Club
1 J Chesley Kinsmen Club
1 J Hanover Kinsmen Club
1 J Saugeen Shores Kin Club
1 J Tara & District Kinette Club
1 J Teeswater & District Kinsmen Club
1 J Walkerton Kinette Club
1 J Walkerton Kinsmen Club
1 K Clinton & District Kinette Club
1 K Goderich Kinette Club
1 K Goderich Kinsmen Club
1 K Hensall & Dist Kinette Club
1 K Hensall & Dist Kinsmen Club
1 K Mitchell & District Kinette Club
1 K St. Marys Kinsmen Club
1 K Stratford Kinsmen Club
Here is a list of attendees from D1 that I am aware of, please make a note below if I have missed you, it wasn't intentional.
Past Governor Kat McKean, Kinette Club of Collingwood
Governor Monika Coxon McKean, Kinette Club of Collingwood
Governor Bill Harris, Kinsmen Club of Cayuga
National Director Brenda Dineen, Kinette Club of Palmerston
Karen Coutts, Kinette Club of Elgin-St Thomas
Dustyn Pumfrey, Dresden Kinsmen
National Education Committee Chair Terri Iredale, Kinette Club of St Marys
Tanya Bettridge, Ancaster Kin Club
Past National President Bruce Lloyd, Fergus & District Kinsmen
Well District One, it's that time again, time to circulate the proposed District One budget for the upcoming year. We have attached a primer to the budget to give you some insight into the preparation, so please read it, digest it and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact any of the following:
Proposed Treasurer Barb McArthur at bamcarthur [snail] rogers [period] com
Vice Governor Bill Harris at 10ddgm11 [snail] gmail [period] com
Vice Governor Monika McKean at mmckean [snail] rogers [period] com
Please see the budget at this link:
*Proposed District One Operating Budget 2016 - 2017
My how time has flown!
We cannot believe that it's already mid January and we are working on the last half of the Kin year.
We have had a wonderful experience thus far being a part of the BTTF team, and are looking forward to Mid-Term meeting and Zone Conferences before we hit Fort Erie for the Annual District Convention.
With that being said, one of our tasks as Vice Governors is to review the house rules and bring forward any suggestions for change, otherwise known as "RESOLUTIONS" ..
We carefully went through every part and parcel and do have a number that will be coming to the floor. The majority are primarily house keeping while others will be cause for thought. We are attaching them here for you to review and hope that you feel comfortable approaching us with any clarifications and questions you may need.
*Resolutions to Annual General Meeting 2016
Please do know that we will be spending extensive time with all of the current BTTF Deputy Governors and Executive members at Mid Term Meeting January 29th - 31st and they will be prepared to answer your questions as well after that time. They will also be presented at your Zone Conferences.
We would like to publicly extend our thanks to Rule of Order Chair Colleen Wake for the time and attention she gave our resolutions so that they were all approved prior to coming to the floor. Not a simple task, and we are grateful.
Looking forward to seeing you on the Zone Conference Trail ...
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