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Zone A



  • Zone A Deputy Governors Nancy Marshall & Dean Kitchen

Hello everyone,

My name is Nancy Marshall and I am a proud member of kin for the past 29 yrs first with the Preston Kinettes and now the Kin club of Cambridge(Preston).

I have held many positions at the club levelmore than once and have ventured out into district as DG this being my 4th time. I have won numerous awards including the Maple leaf award, kinette of the year more than once and zone kinette of the year, also the Founders award for achievement.

I am the youngest of 6 siblings, my partner is Marty Ford and I have 1 son Devon who is my valentine baby of 21yrs.

I look forward to my next 2 yrs as DG, working with good kin DG Dean and our clubs here in Zone A. Thank you for the opportunity to represent our zone.

Nancy Marshall

Hello my name is Dean I've been with Kin Canada for 10years. I'm part of The Cambridge Kin Club of Preston. I have held number of positions in my club . Risk Manger Vice President, Service Director in my club . I was your CF Service Director for D1 2021-2022 year . and This year I'm starting 2 year as Deputy Governor. If you have any questions please contact me .

DG Dean


We are so excited to be a part of VIBE this season.


Zone A is getting busier and busier this year. We are very pleased to announce we have added several new members.

Brantford Kinsmen are joining forces with Mavis productions to do a live performance of ‘Evil Dead – the Musical’ in April and September, as well as their annual Ribfest and the Car Show.

Flamborough Kin are hosting a Christmas Dinner and variety show with proceeds to CF on December 17th. Contact flamboroughkinclub@hotmail.com for further info.

Cambridge (Preston) Kin are holding their annual LCBO Raffle, contact info@prestonkin.ca for tickets.

Stoney Creek Kinsmen had a very successful Peach Festival and were instrumental in aiding Grimsby Kinettes with the 100th Grimsby Birthday.

Guelph Kinettes are gearing up for their annual Christmas Craft and Artisan sale, and the Guelph Santa Claus Parade. Also, they are preparing their gift baggie for Seniors KINdness day event.

KW Kinsmen and Kinettes are preparing for the annual TV auction.


(No reports posted)


(No reports posted)


Zone Conference is March 19th
Attach:ZoneANewletterNov2019.pdf Δ



Things have been going well for most of the clubs in Zone A this year. We are working our way through our first year as a joint Zone, which has been both challenging and exciting at the same time.

We are diligently preparing for our first official joint Zone Conference in Preston, on March 26, 2019. One of the big things that this meeting will address, is the revised House Rules for the Zone. We hope to see representation from all of our clubs there!

Yours In Kin,
Deputy Governors Melissa & Paul

Well, spring is here and our Clubs are gearing up for our busy season for projects. Since our fall report our clubs have been busy with projects and socials and a few have added a member. Unfortunately we have lost a club in our Zone with the folding of the Ancaster Kin Club.

Many of our clubs have had some successful projects over the past several months. Waterloo Grand River had their booth at the Apple Butter Festival, Preston Kin had their Wish Tree shopping for families in need, Flamborough Kin put on their very successful breakfast with Santa. Kudos to several of our Zone A clubs who participated in the national Day of Kindness. These are just a few of the many projects that were held by the Zone A clubs. Thanks to all of you for your service to Kin and your community. A big hats off to the KW Kinsmen and Kinettes for pulling off a very successful TV auction, despite the fact of having to change TV providers after decades of partnership with the local CTV affiliate, the switch to Rogers was a success. They have been handed several big changes for this major project over the last few years with this years change being the biggest and they have risen to the occasion with each challenge, kudos!!!

Zone conference, Revenge Of The Nerds, was hosted by the Kin Club of Cambridge Preston and was a great success. Life Member Wendy Kitchen and her team did a fantastic job and we thank them. We passed two major motions this year. The first motion was to amalgamate the operations of Zone A Kinsmen and Kinettes. This motion was passed. The second motion was to change the elections of the Deputy Governors in Zone A as follows, a Deputy Governor to be elected each year to a two year term providing overlap of leadership and two DG's to cover the Zone. The 2018 elections to elect one DG for a one year term and the second for a two year term. This was passed. Congratulations to our Zone award winners: Senior Bulletin Dan Lajoie Kin Club Of Cambridge Preston Junior Bulletin Life Member Ron Couch of the KW Kinsmen and Zone A Rookies of the year Dan and Maggie Lajoie. We elected the one year DG position and a big thank you to DG Melissa Whetham for staying on one more year. The Second DG will be selected by the incoming Governors team.

Clubs are actively preparing for their upcoming spring and summer projects. Preston Kin Carnival, Cystic Fibrosis Service nights, Bratntford Kinsmen's Rib Fest, Stoney Creek Kinsmen's booth at the Winona Peach Festival, Waterloo Grand River and Hamilton Kinsmen and the Cystic Fibrosis walks and the list goes on. Be looking for e-mail blast for dates and times of upcoming events and please come down and help or just visit, we love to see our fellow Kin here in Zone A.

DG Melissa and Chris�

Greetings Zone A Kin!

Welcome back to a brand new Kin year! I hope that everyone had a great summer.

As was noted at both the Kinsmen and Kinette Zone Conferences, we are going to take a more blended approach when it comes to leading our Zone. As the Deputy Governors of Zone A, we have decided to work together with one team, so that we can ensure that our clubs are getting as much support as we can provide. That means that each club now has two Deputy Governors at their disposal, instead of one for the Kinsmen and one for the Kinettes. Our team consists of the following Kin members:

Chris Kekes – Kin Club of Cambridge – Deputy Governor
LM Melissa Whetham – Kin Club of Cambridge – Deputy Governor
LM Elaine Couch – Kinette Club of Kitchener-Waterloo – Secretary / Treasurer
Paul Durdin – Kinsmen Club of Stoney Creek – Membership / Cystic Fibrosis & Service

It has been a busy summer for some of the clubs in Zone A. So far, we have had a Car Show and Ribfest (Brantford Kinsmen), Hot Springs Music Festival and Grandfest (Kin Club of Cambridge), Winona Peach Festival (Stoney Creek Kinsmen) and the Cambridge Fall Fair (Cambridge North-Dumfries Kinsmen). And those are just the events that we were aware of! Our blended team is looking forward to working with all of the clubs in Zone A over the next few months, as we head into some of our busiest months in Kin.

Yours in Kin,
DG’s Melissa & Chris

Hello Zone A!

KInsmen, KInettes and Kin the Zone Leadership needs your input!

We have decided to put forward a Strategic Planning Committee to help guide the Zone for years to come.

We need your voice to help guide where we need to go.

If you have something on your mind, feel free to contact with Deputy Governor Melissa Whetham or Marty Makins.

However, part of our visitations will include a frank and honest town hall type discussion to ensure everyone will have a say as to where the Zone goes in the future.

Yours in Kin,

Marty Makins

Greetings Zone A Kin!

Welcome back to a brand new Kin year! I hope that everyone had a great summer.

First things first...I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to the members of my Zone team. Taking charge of the administrative side of things, we have LM Elaine Couch as Zone Secretary / Treasurer. Looking after our Membership and Cystic Fibrosis / Service needs, we have Casey McLeod. Both of these lovely ladies are from the Kitchener-Waterloo Kinette Club.

We have started off this new Kin year with some big things happening in Zone A. To start with, as of September 1st, the Preston Kinsmen and Kinette clubs merged to become the Kin Club of Cambridge (Preston). Then on September 10th, the KW Kinettes presented a very well deserved Life Membership to Elaine Couch. It was an exciting event to be a part of, and I am sure that I am not alone in extending sincere Kingratulations to Life Member Elaine, on behalf of the Kinettes of Zone A.

My team and I look forward to working with our clubs over the next few months, as we head into some of our busiest months in Kin.

Yours in Kin,
DG Melissa

Zone A Club addresses

  • Ancaster Kin Club
  • Brantford Kinsmen Club 25 North Park Street Brantford ON N3R 4J4
  • Cambridge (Preston) Kin Club Inc. 1400 Hamilton Street, Cambridge ON N3H 3G5
  • Cambridge-North Dumfries Kinsmen Club 425 Hespeler Rd, Unit 8 Cambridge ON N1R 6J2
  • Flamborough & District Kin Club P.O. Box 1099 Waterdown ON L0R 2H0
  • Guelph Kinette Club 30 Muskoka Dr Guelph ON N1E 3M7
  • Hamilton Kinsmen Club P.O. Box 47619 Centre Mall RPO Hamilton ON L8H 7S7
  • Kitchener-Waterloo Kinette Club 99 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener ON N2G 3S8
  • Kitchener-Waterloo Kinsmen Club 99 Ottawa St. S. Kitchener ON N2G 3S8
  • Oakville Kinsmen Club P.O. Box 355 Oakville ON L6J 5A2
  • Stoney Creek Kinsmen Club Box 56048 Fiesta Postal Outlet *Stoney Creek ON L8G 4Y9
  • Waterloo Grand River Kinsmen Club Box 28013, Parkdale P.O Waterloo ON N2L
  • Woolwich Kin Club 87 Arthur St S, P.O Box 42, Elmira, ON N3B 2Z5

2015-16 Zone A Report

Greetings From Zone A!

Zone Conference 2016 is now history, and for Zone A it was a historical event, as for the first time ever it was held on a weeknight rather than a Saturday or Sunday. This seemed to be well received, as it was very well attended. This also kept the cost down, as there was only one meal to worry about, and no need for coffee break. I would like to thank the Preston Kinettes for being willing to try this. Also a HUGE thank you to Nancy Loughlean for all of her hard work in preparing the wonderful food. I was remiss in not thanking her that evening, so I hope this will make up for that oversight. Congratulations to DG Elect Melissa Whetham, and to Zone A Bulletin Award winner Katie Neu ¡V KW Kinettes. Thanks to all who attended and contributed to a great evening.

Preston held Breakfast with the Easter Bunny which I thought was a great success. The breakfast was delicious and the Easter Bunny was a big hit, especially with my granddaughter ļ - she almost cried when he left the room! Thank you for a wonderful time.

Preparations are well underway for Kinsmen Carnival ¡V May 26 ¡V 29. Volunteers are welcomed, and your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Let¡¦s pray for good weather this year.

Guelph Kinettes were able to ¡§host¡¨ Guelph Storm hockey games ¡V tickets were sold at reduced prices, and they sold 50/50 tickets. This was a great way for them to raise service dollars. They are fortunate that their hockey club allows them to do this. Some of the funds raised will go towards the hosting of the 50th Annual Seniors Tour of Lights, being held in December. The members are hard at work planning and soliciting sponsorship for the event. Guelph also hosts Euchre socials and Bazaars/Craft Sales ¡V a very busy group.

KW Kinettes are recovering from TV Auction. It was great to see all of the members helping out on this major project. Next up is the Carstars Walk to Make CF History on May 29. June 4 will be Garage Sale with proceeds to Cystic Fibrosis (rain date June 11). Donations of items to sell gratefully accepted.

April membership stats will show 4 new members for KW ¡V a total of 6 new members this year. Let¡¦s keep that going, ladies!

I would like to thank the members of Zone A for supporting me this year, especially my home club of KW. You truly are Zone Awesome! Thank you also to my wonderful husband Ron for being behind me all the way!

DG Elaine Couch

DG Elaine

Thank you to our sponsors!

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