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Founder Hal Rogers
Kin Crest

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Zone F


Hi, my name is Linda. I am a mother of 3 and grandmother of nine – ages 3 months to 19 years old.

I grew up in Port Stanley, moved to St.Thomas when I was a teenager.

I retired to become a nanny. I worked for Starwood Hotels & Resorts for 17 years. I held positions as a trainer, Team Lead and Supervisor.

I became a member of the Kinette Club of Elgin-St. Thomas in 2018. I held a variety of executive positions at the club level, Risk Manager, Registrar, Treasurer and President.

Being a member of Kin has been a great way for me to meet new people and give back to the community.

This is my second year as DG. Our goal this year is to get involved. Please let us know when you have an event or function coming up. We would loved to come out and support - help with your event.



  • Zone F Deputy Governors Linda van der Linde & Brent Stefan

I've been in kin for 24 years and have held every position in the club more than once And i'm really looking forward to continuing the path into district positions.

I'm a proud father of 2 Hailey 20 and Connor 17 who are both super active and competitiven's sports. When I am not working or running with kids I love to golf and curl.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


I am a mother of 3 and grandmother of six – ages 9 months to 18 years old.

I grew up in Port Stanley, moved to St.Thomas when I was a teenager and recently moved to London.

I retired last year to become a nanny. I worked for Starwood Hotels & Resorts for 17 years. I held positions as a trainer, Team Lead and Supervisor.

I became a member of the Kinette Club of Elgin-St. Thomas in 2018. I held a variety of executive positions at the club level, Risk Manager, Registrar, Treasurer and President.

Being a member of Kin has been a great way for me to meet new people and give back to the community.



Brent & I have Started meeting clubs in the Zone, and have a Presidents round table meeting scheduled for 10AM on Saturday October 1st, 2022 at Carriage House in Tillsonburg.

The Round Table was a great sucess, with representation from each club AND a Governor in attendance. FLC was hosted in our Zone in November, by the St. Thomas Kinsmen, which kicked off with a fantastic pub crawl. The Christmas Season has come and gone with several Christmas Dinners, and a Life Night awarded to a Port Dover Kinsmen. Next up is the Midterm meetings and our zone conference, to be held February 25th at the Simcoe Kinsmen Club House. Watch here for details.


(No reports posted)


(No reports posted)


Mid-Year Re-Cap

DG Carol and I have already started planning our second (and in some cases 3,4,5 and even 6th) club visits. We attended Aylmer Kinsmen Christmas Dinner, it was a fantastic event with plenty of fellowship and a “Team Karaoke” contest. No surprise that the DG team won!!

We also attended St. Thomas Christmas Parade as well as The St. Thomas Kinsmen Christmas Dinner which also had a surprise presentation of the Eric Glover Memorial Fellowship Award presented to Aaron Lycett by President Corey Richardson.

Greater London Kinsmen hosted a New Years bash with a “Roaring 20’s” theme. A freak blizzard on New Years Day did not stop KIN from all over the district from descending on Ramada Inn (same hotel as FLC 2020 hosted by St. Thomas Kinsmen) for an amazing night of fellowship, a CF auction table and dancing provided by KIN’s own resident Zone F DG/DJ Shawn Holroyd.

Carol and I are looking forward to District Mid Term in Stratford. Shortly there after we plan to have a Mid Term Zone F Presidents meeting which we are hoping to have everyone agree to a Zoom meeting just like our District Council monthly conference calls. Followed by our Zone F Conference Hosted by The Greater London Kinsmen at their Sugar Bush.

Thank You for all your support
Deputy Governors
Shawn Holroyd and Carol Van Rooy

Trivia King and Queen in London?

Both London clubs united forces to host a Medieval Trivia event on October 26, 2019. And award Life Memberships to Bea and Dave Crowley. Click here to continue reading this article


Hello Zone F

Thank you for your faith in us this year to guide our Zone to be the best Kin has. Carol and I have already put considerable effort into planning several things this year. We have a FB page (Zone F Kin) and have joined each clubs page. Please send us invites to all of your events!! We want to be there and will make every effort for both of us or at least one of us to be there. Carol and I have our sights set on Zone F being outstanding!! We need your help to achieve this. We are planning a Presidents round table, a Zone F fun day, and are interested in a Zone F Cystic Fibrosis night. Be prepared for likely the most communication you have ever had from a DG team, as you all are aware I like to talk, Carol can also hold her own in this regard, but Carol is unmatched in her use of email, FB messenger.

Our focus this year is a grass roots plan of bringing us back to where it all began. A small reference to National Convention in Hamilton, but a hidden reference to fellowship. Founder Hal started Kin because he missed the comradery of his army days. We are going to be bringing that back, I am proposing a contest within the Zone with 1 simple rule, host interclubs, or crash another clubs meetings for points. Let’s kick the tires and light the fires and leave the other clubs in the dust. We would like to see 100% attendance at our Zone Conference, FLC, and Spring Convention. We want to see competitors from each club entered into the FLC Hair Bands competition. It’s a long way to the top If you wanna rock and roll, and Carol and I are ready to rock and roll with you!! We will be the best because we have the best, we have the best clubs, the best members and the best Zone!! We will put the “F” in Zone F........FUN.

Welcome to Zone F 2019/2020
Deputy Governors
Shawn and Carol


Let me start by saying we are happy to be the Deputy Govoners for the best Zone in the district! Your clubs definitely put the “F” in Zone F!
Chrissy and I are committed to each and every member in each and every club in the Zone. We want you all to reach out to us, we want to come to as many events and functions as possible, in short we want you to know we are here for you. We are all in this together, serving the communities greateat needs.

I want all of our clubs to also consider reaching out to neighbouring clubs. I want to see some more fellowship between clubs. I want to see at least 1 member from each of the clubs in Zone F come out to our Zone Confrence. Believe me when I tell you “F” is the best! The lettered is accordingly.

FLC is coming up and look forward to seeing you there!

Please feel free to add events to the D1, and Zone F pages.
Absolutely invite us to everything, we will make every effort to be there.

Yours in Kin
Deputy Governors
Shawn & Chrissy

Contact info
Shawn Holroyd
Cell- 519-619-1367
Email spincities [snail] hotmail [period] com

2017 - 2018

Zone F News - Volume 2

Zone F News - Volume 1

2017-2018 Event Tracker

  • To have your event included in the "2017-2018 Zone F Event Tracker", please email carol [period] vanrooy [snail] gmail [period] com the date, event location, host club & contact Info.

Hello Zone F Kin,
We are your 2017/18 Zone F Deputy Governors John Moes and Colleen Wake. We are looking forward to working with all clubs in our zone, Kinsmen and Kinettes. Both of us will be travelling throughout the zone, together and separately for club visits and events. At times we may have individual(s) wanting to see what we are doing travelling with us (other club members, Zone F team members, or even District council or team members). We encourage everyone and every club to reach out to us to attend events or travel with us to events. We are looking forward to attending as many of your events as possible this year.
We plan to bring back the events calendar (on the Zone page, Zone Facebook page and in the Zone newsletter), as well as encourage involvements in the zone through interclubs and socials, conferences and conventions , President’s round table, as well as getting to know the clubs and members within the zone. We are going to be introducing an Involvement Challenge that we hope all clubs will become involved with. We’re still ironing out the details and will get them to you as soon as everything is finalized. Our intention is to have that rolled out to you in the September Newsletter.
We are asking all clubs to send us any information on your upcoming events, meetings, socials so that we can post them on the events calendar and in the newsletter. The more people know about your event, the more people are likely to attend or come and lend a hand. We look forward to using all the tools and media we can to get everyone involved in from our diverse zone.
We have been told numerous times that communication needs improving between clubs in the zone and we are hoping to make improvements to that. Your involvement is key. Please let us know what you have coming up each month. We need your help in making the newsletter a success. You can do that by submitting your events, stories and pictures. We are excited to see what is happening in Zone F!
At this time we would like to introduce the zone team as it sits right now:
Deputy Governors
Colleen Wake – mzbx2 [snail] rogers [period] com 519-933-7933
John Moes - jamoes1976 [snail] gmail [period] com 519-280-9675
Secretary/Communications Director
Carol Van Rooy – carol [period] vanrooy [snail] gmail [period] com
Cystic Fibrosis & Service Director
Terry Baldwin – terrytravel [snail] rogers [period] com 226-236- 5528
Membership Director
Shawn Holroyd - spincities [snail] hotmail [period] com 519-619-1367
Terry Day - terry_pat [period] day [snail] execulink [period] com

2016 - 2017

2015 - 2016

Zone F Monthly Calendar of Events
April 2016
Click here for Zone F Calendar of Events

2016-04-04 Minutes from 2016 Zone Conference are available:

If you find any errors or omissions, please advise DG Dave or Bea so they can be corrected before next year's Zone Conference.

Zone F - 2016 Zone Conference

Zone F Monthly Calendar of Events
March 2016'''
Click here for Zone F Calendar of Events


Sunday, February 28 at 10 AM

Fanshawe College St. Thomas/Elgin Regional Campus
120 Bill Martyn Parkway, Saint Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A7

By now, all members of Zone F Kinsmen & Kinette clubs should have received their personal invitation to Hogwarts. If you were on the national roster as of December 31, and haven't received yours, please speak to your president. New and prospective members are all welcome to attend.

This year's theme is Harry Potter, and the Kinette Club of Elgin-St. Thomas is pleased to be hosting you! This is your opportunity to be part of the news, guests, awards, and fun that zone conference is.

Registration is $20, and includes lunch. Kin bar (aka the Potions Lab) will be open.

Registrations will only be received via email to events@stthomaskinettes.com (attendance through this FB event will not be tracked). Please advise of any dietary restrictions when registering. RSVP deadline is February 15th.

Please click on the link below to go to the Facebook event page. We hope to see you all at Zone Conference!



Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs Updated February 3rd, 2016

Email your events to Elise Stark at: starry313@msn.com

Date Event Location Host Club Contact Info

Feb. 15, 2016 Kin KINdness Family Day Sugar Bush 21201-C Lakeside Dr. London Kinsmen 519 461 1073

Feb 20/16 Kin KINdness Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Kinettes Brenda Schaas

Feb. 20/16 Day of KINdness Zone F ALL Clubs

Feb.24/16 Smart Serve Certification Knights of Columbus Hall,265 Wellington St. St. Thomas St. Thomas Kinsmen https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=212267265785655&ref=70

Feb. 25, 2016 Colouring Event. Colouring is not just for kids Crouch Library 6-8:30 pm London Kinettes 519 461 1073

Feb. 28, 2016

Zone F Conference Fanshawe College St. Thomas Campus Kinette Club of St. Thomas Karen Coutts

Kinsmen Fanshawe Sugar Bush Sugar Bush 21201-C Lakeside Dr. London Kinsmen 519 461 1073

March 12/16 Eric Glover Memorial Craft Beer and Steak Dinner Knights of Columbus Hall,265 Wellington St. St. Thomas St. Thomas Kinsmen Matt Sharpe stthomassharpe@hotmail.com

March 26/16 Easter Egg Hunt Dance Pavillion, Pinafore Park, 93 Elm St., St. Thomas St. Thomas Kinsmen Paul Trittler

Mar. 26, 2016 Easter Hunt BBQ Memorial Park Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Kinettes Judie Rice 519 983 3200

April 2/16 Caesars Casino Windsor Bus Trip, leaving St. Thomas 11:00 am; leaving Windsor 6:00pm St Thomas Kinsmen Scott McClymont

April 30, 2016 Princess Ball Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Kinettes Carrie Smith 519 983 2232

May 6-8/16 Spring Convention: 80’s TV Fort Erie Fort Erie Kinsmen Dan Strugar

May 11/16 Big Bike Ride for Heart and Stroke Boston Pizza. 860 Talbot St., St. Thomas St. Thomas Kinsmen Scott McClymont

May 13, 2016 Dining with the Past -70 th Anniversary Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Kinettes Mary Bartram

May 17- 23/ 16 Victoria Day Fireworks Sale Timken Community Centre, 2 Third Ave., St Thomas St. Thomas Kinsmen Cam Walters

May 29/16 Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis Greenway Park London Kinettes and Kinsmen 519 461 1073

June 18/16 Turtlefest Tillsonburg Tillsonburg Kinettes Kaitlyn VanDenBrink

June / 16 Relay for Life Aylmer Aylmer Kinsmen Brett

June 24-July 1/16 Canada Day Fireworks Sales Timken Community Centre, 2 Third Ave., St Thomas St. Thomas Kinsmen Cam Walters

July 1/16 Food and Beer Garden Sales Dance Pavillion, Pinafore Park, 93 Elm St., St. Thomas Paul Trittler

July 1/16 Canada Day Harris Park London Kinsmen and Kinettes 519 461 1073

July 1/16

Soap Box Derby Port Dover ( corner of Chapman and Main ) Port Dover Kinsmen Kyle Kitchen 519 583 3043 Kylek1978@hotmail.com

July 1/16

Rubber Duck Race Dorchester Dorchester Kinsmen Terry D.

2014-15 Zone F Report

2015-03-21 Spring Newsletter

More news from National, District, and Zone...for your reading pleasure!

2015-03-15 Minutes from 2015 Zone Conference are available

If you find any errors or omissions, please advise DG Karen via email at kinkaren [snail] internetadvisor [period] ca as soon as possible so they can be corrected before next year's zone conference.

Zone Conference set for March 1st in Aylmer

Zone F Kinsmen & Kinettes


Sunday March 1, 2015

10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Note change of location from original notice
Aylmer Optimists,
30 Queen St. South, Aylmer

Hosted by the Kinsmen Club of Aylmer

Prizes for the best dressed Cowpoke and Cowgirl

Chili lunch will be served.

Cost $20 per person. Cash bar available @ 11:00 a.m.

Please RSVP by no later than February 17th
RSVP to Bill Warner,
warner [snail] amtelecom [period] net

President’s reports Due by Feb.25th Please send to Zone secretary Bea Crowley at dcrowley [snail] quadro [period] net

Hope to see you all at Zone Conference

Important information
Zone F will be following the current voting procedures as per Kin Canada's General Operating Bylaw. That means that Accredited Delegate forms must be completed AT A REGULAR MEETING, and either given to one of the DGs or brought to Zone Conference. Failure to have this form on file will result in your club not getting their vote.

These videos will help you understand the process:

More information & examples will be provided at the President's Round Table on February 5th in Tillsonburg.

2014/10/05 Membership Seminar set for Oct. 29th at Simcoe Kin Hall

Kin Karen and I have set an important meeting for all Kin clubs in Zone F. We will meet on Oct. 29 at the Simcoe Kin Hall, for a special "Kin Rejuvenation" membership seminar. Our guest is DMD (District Membership Director) Shane Walsh.
In order to make this worth everyone's time and effort, we require a minimum of 4 members from each club to make the journey to Simcoe. You will learn how to retain and expand your club (and zone) membership to a newer and higher level. This 'new' way of getting members has proven to successful. A club in our district had only 4 members as of June 2013. As of July 2014, the club now has 12 members. That is an increase of 200% in just ONE year!

We are counting on you to help us make this event a success. Join us in Simcoe, 141 Windham St. on Oct. 29th at 7pm. Your club and the future of Kin may depend on it!!


DG's Karen and Dutch

2014/09/25 Important changes to voting procedure

With the changes to the General Operating By-law that were voted in at National Kinvention this summer, there are some changes to how voting will take place at Fall Leadership Conference. One key change is that we will now be enforcing the limitation of one vote per club. This should have always been in effect, since the clubs are the members of the Association…we’ve just always been more generous and let everyone in the room have a say :). The changes required by the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act mean that we as an association need to tighten things up and do them properly from now on.

This Accredited Delegate form is taking the place of a proxy form, with one very important difference. Previously, if your club was sending someone to FLC, you didn’t really need to send in a proxy form – whoever signed in for your club at credentials could vote.

Now, however, only Accredited Delegates can vote on behalf of the club. Your club must decide at a meeting (general or executive – it’s up to you) who will be carrying your club’s vote, fill in this form, make sure it’s signed, and get it to the district secretary before credentials close. If this completed form is not on file, your club will have no vote at FLC, no matter how many members you have in attendance.

You’ll notice that there is room to list alternate delegates – this is a good idea just in case your chosen delegate has a family emergency, gets sick, or for whatever reason can’t attend. Technically, under the CNCA guidelines, we can’t appoint “proxies” anymore. Kin Canada is offering a work-around for this by allowing us to assign the final alternate delegate spot to someone from outside of your club…whoever you normally would have “proxied” your votes to in the past.

We will both be attending, so you are welcome to put either of us down as an alternate delegate if you wish. The vote will be assigned to delegates in order (Accredited delegate, then if they aren’t there we’ll go through the Alternate delegates as they are ranked on the form), so make sure that your club members are listed first – your alternate delegate from outside your club should be last on the list.

Videos are being created by the National Kin Education Committee to help explain these changes, we'll let you know when they are available - hopefully you will find them helpful in understanding the changes.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask - that's what we're here for!

Yours in Kin,
DGs Karen & Dutch

Thank you to our sponsors!

InternetAdvisor.ca - Russ Jackman

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