Home ~ Kin Resources & Links ~ Awards
'Due to HQ by June 30
This is an award that every club should be taking the opportunity to achieve. It takes 5 minutes to fill out the affidavit and then send it into Kin HQ.
To reward those clubs which effectively meet the Zone, District and National requirements.
To recognize the efficient and effective administration of clubs
To encourage Zones and Districts to ensure their clubs are aware of and completing the requirements of being a member of the Association and Incorporation
Boake and Outstanding Boake Efficency Award fillable affidavits
Due to HQ by June 30
Note: Clubs must earn the Boake Efficiency Award in order to be eligible for the Outstanding Club Award. It is best to submit the Boake Efficiency & the Outstanding Club Awards together.
•To promote a standard of excellence for club activities and administration in the Association and to recognise the achievement, leadership and participation of outstanding clubs
Outstanding Club fillable affidavit
District Photography Award was awarded to Melissa Penner for her photo capturing “the part of Kin that not too many get to see; Organ donation and how it helps.”
The 65 Roses Award is presented to the Club in the District that raises the most money per club member for our fight against Cystic Fibrosis. The winner is the Kinsmen Club of Harriston.
The John Hughes Peckitt Memorial Award is presented to the Club with the best net increase in membership. The winner is Hensall and District Kinette Club
The winner of the Kinette Rookie of the Year is Jannet Vermeer from the Kinette Club of Grimsby
The winner of the Kinette of the Year is from the Kinette Club of Grimsby, Danni Gresko
The winner of the Kinsmen of the Year is from the Kinsmen Club of Grimsby, Matthew Spencer
Congratulations to Denny Pyatt from the Grimsby Kinsmen Club for receiving his Lifetime Achievement Award
Kudos again to all of our winners!
to the District 1 Kin who won Awards at 2016 National Convention in Edmonton
The Bill Skelly Award
Kinsmen Club of Tilbury
The National Hal & Elspeth Rogers Service Award
The Kinsmen Club of Greater London for Fanshawe Sugar Bush
The Boake Efficiency and Outstanding Boake Efficiency Awards
Boake Efficiency Award
Zone J Chesley Kinette Club
Boake & Outstanding Boake Efficiency Award
Zone A Ancaster Kin Club
Zone F London Kinette Club
Zone G Dresden Kinsmen Club
Zone K St. Marys Kinette Club
The Outstanding Club Award
Zone A Ancaster Kin Club
Zone F London Kinette Club
The Ken Pierce Membership Growth
The junior category is for clubs with 14 or fewer members, who show a net increase of 3+ members in a Kin year.
Ken Pierce JUNIOR Club Membership Award Winners were:
Zone D Ridgeway Crystal Beach Kin Club
Zone D Stevensville Kinsmen Club
Zone K Goderich Kinette Club
The Senior Category is for clubs with 15 or more members, who show a net increase of five or more member in a Kin year.
Ken Pierce SENIOR Club Membership Award Winners were:
Zone A Kitchener-Waterloo Kinette Club
Zone F Aylmer Kinsmen Club
Zone F Tillsonburg Kinsmen Club
Zone J Chesley Kinsmen Club
Zone J Teeswater & District Kinsmen Club
Zone J Walkerton Kinette Club
Zone J Walkerton Kinsmen Club
Zone K Clinton & District Kinsmen Club
Zone K Hensall & District Kinette Club
Zone K Stratford Kinsmen Club
The National Outstanding Zone Award
Zone A Deputy Governor Elaine Couch
Zone F Deputy Governor Terry Baldwin
Zone F Deputy Governor Matt Sharpe
Zone J Deputy Governor Elaine Johnston
to the District 1 Kin who won Awards at FLC 2014
Challenge for a Cure
No winner
Sixty Five Roses Award
Kinsmen Club of Port Dover
Jay Dunn Award
Kinsmen Club of Hamilton
John Hughes Peckitt Memorial Award
Kinsmen Club of Tillsonburg
Photography Award
Kinette Club of Palmerston & District, Melissa Penner
Kinsmen Rookie of the Year
Robert Francis, Kinsmen Club of Chatham
Kinette Rookie of the Year
Terry Baldwin, Kinette Club of St. Thomas
Kinsmen of the Year
Tom Chivers, Kinsmen Club of Chatham
Kinette of the Year
Kayla Houle - Kinette Club of Flesherton & District
2013 - 2014 National Award Winners
National Quill Award Winner
Stewart Ruffley
Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
National Founding Members Public Speaking Award
Stewart Ruffley
Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
Outstanding Kin Award
Tanya Bettridge - Kinette Club of Palmerston
Green Club
Kinette Club of London
Boake Efficiency Award
Kinette Club of Guelph
Outstanding Boake Efficiency
Kinsmen Club of Greater London
Kinsmen Club of Hamilton
Kinette Club of London
Kinette Club of Collingwood
Outstanding Master Club Award
Kinsmen Club of Greater London
Kinsmen Club of Hamilton
Kinette Club of London
Kinette Club of Collingwood
Ian F. McClure Award
Bruce Lloyd, Kinsmen Club of Fergus
Bill Skelly Award
Kinette Club of Collingwood
Diane Rogers Kin Pride Award
Winner - Debbie Hodgkinson, Kinette Club of Collingwood
Cam Walters - Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas
Matt Sharpe - Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas
Brittany Galenkamp - Kinette Club of St. Thomas
Terry Baldwin Kinette Club of St. Thomas
Jodi Lynn McLaughlin - Kinette Club of St. Thomas
Kim Dadswell - Kinette Club of Collingwood
Barbara McArthur - Kinette Club of Collingwood
Barbara Tarczynski-Sparling - Kinette Club of Collingwood
Cathie Brillinger - Kinette Club of Collingwood
Maple Leaf of Distinction
Cody Lobb - Kinsmen Club of Clinton & District
Stewart Ruffley - Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
Michelle Lobsinger - Kinette Club of Meaford
Cynthia Crawford - Kinette Club of Meaford
Barbara Coleman - Kinette Club of Meaford
Deborah A. Hodgkinson - Kinette Club of Collingwood
Lori Schnarr - Kinette Club of Palmerston & District
Lisa Orth - Kinette Club of Palmerston & District
Outstanding Maple Leaf of Distinction
Lisa Orth - Kinette Club of Palmerston & District
GEM Award
Lori Schnarr - Kinette Club of Palmerston & District
Lisa Orth - Kinette Club of Palmerston & District
Carrie Smith - Kinette Club of Tillsonburg
Ken Pierce Membership Growth Awards
Kinsmen Club of Cambridge (Preston)
Kin Club of Flamborough & District
Kinette Club of Kitchener-Waterloo
Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
Kinsmen Club of Stayner & District
Kinette Club of Tillsonburg
Kinsmen Club of Tillsonburg
Kinsmen Club of Walkerton
District One Awards from Spring Convention 2014
Maple Leaf Award of Distinction
Lisa Orth - Kinette Club of Palmerston
Cody Lobb - Kinsmen Club of Clinton
Gem Award
Cody Lobb - Kinsmen Club of Clinton
Vision 20-20 Gem Award
Cody Lobb - Kinsmen Club of Clinton
Jim Sterling Memorial Costume Award
Kinette Club of Grimsby
Kinette Club of Shelburne
Kinsmen & Kinette Joke-Off Award
Kinette Club of Palmerston - Sandy Mitton
Kinsmen Club of Hamilton - Marty Makins
District Website Award
Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
District One Kinette Quill Award
Debbie Ruffley - Kinette Club of Fort Erie
Bill Esson Memorial Kin Quill Award
Stewart Ruffley - Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
Kinette Public Relations Award
Kinette Club of Collingwood
Max Westlake Public Relations Award
Kinsmen Club of Grimsby
Bulletin Awards
Kinette Jr. Bulletin Award
Winner - Kinette Club of Collingwood - Kim Dadswell - editor
Runner-up - Kinette Club of Guelph - Mary Anne Bauman - editor
Kinette Sr. Bulletin Award
Winner - Kinette Club of St. Thomas - Jodi McLaughlin, Melissa Bishop and Jackie Harris - co-editors
Runner-up - Kinette Club of St. Marys - Terri Iredale - editor
John Brooker Kinsmen Senior Bulletin Award
Kinsmen Club of Kitchener-Waterloo - Ron Couch - editor
Ferne Carter Public Speaking Award
Nicki Williams - Kinette Club of Shelburne
Gord Harbinson Public Speaking Award
Stewart Ruffley - Kinsmen Club of Fort Erie
Myrtle Wilson Memorial Service Award
Kinette Club of Tillsonburg
Kevin Denbok Memorial Cystic Fibrosis Award
Kinette Club of Collingwood
Special thanks to our Past Awards Directors, Odette Houle and Monika McKean for putting together this document outlining a history of awards winners in District One. If you can help us fill in any of the blanks, please contact the current Awards Directors.
Legend: | PDF file |
Word (.doc) file | |
Excel (.xls) file | |
PowerPoint (.ppt) file |
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