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On behalf of the Power of One team, Chris and I would like to thank everyone for their input on the District 2013-2014 Budget. The final version of the budget, with the changes that were made at Spring Convention, can be found on the District Treasurers page.
National proxy forms are due at HQ July 1st .. please make sure your voices are heard!
Please read the attached explanation of the external board from the desk of our National President Penny ...
External Board Clarification from NP Penny Δ
Communication is continually set as a high priority within Kin Canada. The National Board of Directors is striving to repeatedly connect with the membership to gather and share information about the goals we are determined to reach.
One of the tools developed in this effort has been a National Member Survey. The intent of the process is to be holistic for the entire Kin Canada Membership and not have a Board survey and another Operational survey. In order to be effective with any measurement you must have a baseline. The survey is to not only gather information but create actionable data.
The process has been outlined as;
a) The survey must be completed once every three years between April 1 and June 30;
b) The Linkage Committee will provide preliminary results at the June NBOD meeting with final data and analysis presented at the August NBOD meeting;
c) The NBOD will present and approve an Action Plan regarding the analysis of the survey at the November NBOD meeting; and
d) The survey results and Action Plan will be made available to all members of Kin Canada by December 31 of the year that the survey was performed.
The National Board of Directors have a survey that has been created using Survey Monkey. This can be found at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LGPZFBG and will be open until July 15th.
We ask that each member take just a few minutes to complete the survey.
Thank you.
Kin Canada National Board of Directors
Did you know we again have an opportunity to pre-order and get personalized KIN license plates in Ontario?
Please see the form below, fill it out, and forward on to National and lets reach the minimum purchase so we can share our love of Kin every day on our vehicles.
Ontario Personalized Kin License Plate Order Form 2013 Δ.
Calling all interested KIN
- Are you a “go with the flow member” or a “what if we looked at this” member?
- Do you have a vision?
- Are you a thinker and detail oriented?
- Do you have follow-through?
- Are you familiar with our District House Rules?
- Are you familiar with our District Operations i.e.: Budget?
- Are you a member of more then 3 years?
- Are you experienced outside your club?
- Are you available for conference calls/monthly updates?
- Can you prepare written reports?
- Can you facilitate a seminar or workshop?
Did you answer yes to most or all of these?
Well come join us in our think-tank!
Please submit your name to Chairs (Past) Governor Terri Iredale and LM Past Governor Monika McKean before July 1st/13 - Committee announced by July 15th/13
We are looking for at least 2 Kinsmen and 2 Kinettes; active and in good standing to brainstorm for the betterment of District 1 membership, moving into the future.
THINK about it!
Contact us at: ters [snail] sympatico [period] ca and mmckean [snail] rogers [period] com
Please note that this will be a self-sufficient committee.
No District funds will be used for this committee and no remuneration will be given to participants.
The Kin Canada Online Service Reporting Form is now available on the District 1 website.
This form was created to help increase service reporting by clubs, to more accurately track how much money is raised each year and the type of projects run from coast to coast.
When your club completes a service project, simply go to the Online Service Reporting Form page in the Resource Library to submit the details for both Kin Canada and our District Service Directors.
Details and registration forms are now posted for "Seussical 2013", May 17-20th, 2013. Hosted by the Fergus & District Kinsmen.
Visit the Conventions page for details, accommodations, pricing, and registration form.
Does your club need outside help?
Before little fires turn into uncontrollable forest fires call on us.
District 1 has assembled a “Conflict Resolution Team" ready to assist where and when needed.
Please contact one of the following individuals:
Their contact information can be found on the Profiles page.
The Kin Family of Kitchener-Waterloo invite you to FLC 2012, "TEAM KIN - Take Your Best Shot", from November 9-11, 2012.
Watch for updates on the Conventions page, or download the FLC 2012 Registration Form.
The Early Registration deadline is October 19!
Here is the list of workshops being presented at FLC .. see you there ..
FLC 2012 Workshops and Times Δ
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